Shop Ford and Holden Parts in NZ
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Over 20,000+ Ford and Holden Parts in Stock
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One-Stop Solution For All Your Car Needs
Affordable PartsWorld — home to the Ford and Holden parts experts. We specialise in late-model genuine Ford and Holden parts in NZ. We offer new and used genuine and aftermarket parts at competitive prices. You can check out our current stock in our online shop or visit our Trade Me store for Afterpay options. Whatever you choose, you can rely on us to use our expert knowledge to help you find the Holden or Ford parts you’re looking for.
Premium Quality Parts
When you need Ford and Holden car parts in Auckland, you won't do better than Affordable Partsworld. Your number one new and used genuine parts supplier in New Zealand.
Extensive Inventory
We hold an extensive range of Ford, Holden, Porsche and Bentley car parts, including late models and parts up to 20 years old. Browse our thousands of used auto parts available for all New Zealand car enthusiasts.
Genuine Used Parts
At Affordable PartsWorld, we go the extra mile to carry the car parts that you need. As our inventory is vehicle-specific, we ship most items within 24 hours. Each of our parts is tested, photographed, and cleaned.
About Us
We are part of the largest dismantling group in the country — Partsworld. You can buy from us confidently, knowing that we are a professional company that operates within strict guidelines to ensure we provide our customers with great parts while simultaneously looking out for the environment.